On May 17 and 18, 2024, the third and last project conference entitled “Russian Literary Transformations Today” was held at the Excelsior Hotel in Lovran. At the conference, all project team members presented their project research, including the project team leader, Jasmina Vojvodić, Ph.D., domestic (Živa Benčić, Ph.D., Josip Užarević, Ph.D., Danijela Lugarić Vukas, Ph.D., Ivana Peruško, Ph.D., Petra Grebenac) and foreign team members (Natalija Zlydnjeva, Ph.D. Olga Burenina, PhD, Brigitte Obermayr, PhD). In addition to the project team members, 16 other scientists from Croatia, Europe and the world participated in the conference.

At the end of the conference, project team members held a workshop, where they discussed the final phase of their work on a joint monograph on contemporary Russian literature. The monograph will be published in 2025 as a result of the research project “Russian Literary Transformations from 1990 to 2020 “.

Photo gallery is available at the link.